Sunday, June 12, 2011

Skin MD Natural

I contacted a PR rep from Skin MD Natural.  She provided me with free samples in exchange for my product review.  I have received no other compensation other than the free samples.

Product Description:

Skin MD Natural is a breakthrough in skin care that works to prevent dry
skin in two ways.

First, it assists the inner layers of skin to absorb moisture. The humectant
(an ingredient that attracts moisture) used in Skin MD Natural is unique to
it and has been laboratory tested to be 6 times more effective than any
other you will find in common skin care products.

Second, a shielding lotion enhances the power of the top layer of the skin
to resist environmental irritants while protecting the inner natural

This can be a big benefit for those who cook, wash dishes and garden because
Skin MD Natural helps skin retain its natural moisture and oils in the face
of all those irritating soaps and chemicals.

Skin MD Natural has made a commitment to natural skin care by formulating
products that contain more than 90% natural ingredients, are hypoallergenic,
free of fragrances, parabens and colorants. All of the ingredients used in
Skin MD Natural are 100% food-grade ingredients that are on the FDA's "most
safe" list.

Skin MD Natural brings you eco friendly skin care products that manufactured
using solar power while also being vegan and cruelty free.

The manufacturer's website has hundreds of
dermatologist and user reviews including many addressing severe dry skin
problems such as eczema and psoriasis.

Please feel free to visit the Skin MD Natural Social Media links:

Social media profile links:

My Review: 

I received two types of samples; The Skin MD Natural and the Skin MD Natural with Sunscreen SPF 15.  I don't have any serious skin conditions but over the years I have developed dry hands:(  I guess the years are getting to me!  I remember my friend commenting on my wedding day how smooth my skin was!  It's a comment we still talk about today!  So 7 years and 3 kids later I can't say the same for my hands anymore.......until now!  I began using this lotion and it has brought my hands back to life!  Immediately after the first use I began to see a difference in my skin. 

My face and hands were the places I focuses the lotion on during my testing and both were left feeling   very soft and smooth almost velvety.  There's no fragrance so it's great on the face because you don't have any after application smell annoyance!  I don't know about anyone else but I don't like smelly lotions on my face!  The Sunscreen is an added benefit that I love!  I have used this product on my kids when they go out as well.  I have even had my husband use it for his hands that get rough and dry because he works with his hands all day and is out in the sun and I've seen the difference for him as well.   So the whole family has tested and approved this product!

You don't need to keep re-applying the lotion which I think is great!  Once it's applied I don't feel the need to rush and put more on after washing my hands like other products.  I think the Skin MD Natural with Sunscreen is a perfect base for woman who use foundation because it doesn't have a heavy feel at all.

Feel free to visit for more reviews.

Overall I would definitely recommend Skin MD Natural as a product that I believe in.  If you are looking for great skin care look no further!  I love the product so much I became an affiliate.  Click on my button on the right sidebar and request your own free sample today! 

~ That's Mommy's Outside Voice! ~

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At June 12, 2011 at 9:43 PM , Blogger Melanie said...

How did you get into doing product reviews? It sounds like fun. I think I would like the free stuff!

Well, I love you blog name. I found you at vB.

At June 12, 2011 at 10:35 PM , Blogger ~Mommy's Outside Voice~ said...

Hi Melanie! I actually was following a few freebie blogs and sites and some of them had listings of sites that offered it. Bzzagent is a great place to start out! I think I really started at Viewpoints though just writing reviews on everyday products and I realized I liked doing it so I kept joining more sites and here I am! Thanks! I thought the name was different and catchy:) the free stuff is great I say its an unpaid business with perks!

At June 13, 2011 at 10:29 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I am going to have to try this. I garden, and babysit my grandkids (still in diapers!) so my hands are in and out of yucky stuff all day, as well as being washed often. They are starting to look older than they are, and I dont like that most lotions are not natural.
I am following from voiceBoks!

At June 14, 2011 at 12:51 AM , Blogger Chana@ Mamma Town said...

Hi there! New follower from MBC! Hope you can swing by and return the favor:)

At June 14, 2011 at 3:41 PM , Blogger Kristie said...

hey there - stopping in and following you from voiceboks - thanks for the review. i'm looking for *something* for my tired skin which decided at 38 to behave like a teenager again: zits + wrinkles. it sucks!! hope you can stop by!

At June 14, 2011 at 5:20 PM , Blogger Emz said...

Hi! Visiting from the weekend blog hop - please visit and follow/like/join me back! Keep up the great blog :-)

At June 17, 2011 at 12:41 PM , Blogger Chef in Training said...

I am here visiting from VoiceBoks. I am already a follower. you have a great site! I would love it if you your not already following me, if you would! thanks!

At June 17, 2011 at 12:46 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I would love to get into product reviews, thank you for the info! Following you from VoiceBoks!~Lisa
I am all a twitter about life
Find Me on Twitter

At June 17, 2011 at 1:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi stopping by from vb. Thanks so much for your review! This is the product I have been looking for! Having a toddler means I'm always washing my hands to stay germ free. Plus, I seem to spend a lot of time washing dishes. No matter what I do my hands are ALWAYS dry. I can't wait to get my free sample!!!!

At June 17, 2011 at 2:21 PM , Blogger Becky McNeer said...

I might have to try this! Nice review!

At June 17, 2011 at 4:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great review! I'm wanting to get into product reviews and the information is so helpful. I've joined bzzAgent and View Points to get some practice. Thanks for the tips!

Visiting from voiceBoks!

At June 17, 2011 at 6:09 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Visiting from VB. I will look for this in the stores now. It sounds really awesome

At June 17, 2011 at 6:16 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Good review. Isn't it fun test driving products! Visitng from VB - April.

At June 17, 2011 at 7:12 PM , Blogger Nikki said...

I'm visiting from VB too, and following you now. I need to try something like this for my hands. Typing all day, every day seems to be doing a number on them! The fact that I bite my nails like crazy doesn't help either. Not just my nails either, but the skin around them. It's an awful habit!

At June 17, 2011 at 8:16 PM , Blogger ~Mommy's Outside Voice~ said...

Thank you everyone! Please come back and let me know what you think if you do decide to try this! I'd love to compare thoughts! Glad this was helpful! You've all left some great comments! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me:) btw I have followed you all back:)

At June 18, 2011 at 3:15 AM , Blogger Lexie Lane said...

Here I thought I'd tried just about everything. Might have to check it out. Except I've been on a bit of a budget lately, especially since I've decided to change my profession to a SAHM!!! Since then I've had to cut back on all the things I loved, with one of them being that I LOVE products.

Thank you for sharing this and I will definitely let you know if I come across this at all!

Lexie Lane

At June 18, 2011 at 8:34 AM , Blogger Rachel Joy said...

Thanks for the awesome info. Your cabinets must be stocked with awesome freebies!

At June 19, 2011 at 1:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Skin MD sounds like a winner! I am impressed with you product review. Since I've joined vB, I've gotten 3 free product samples! So cool!

Samantha from vB

At June 20, 2011 at 6:48 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

This sounds good. I definitely need something for my extra dry feet...they need the most help! Nice to find you through vB:)

At July 2, 2011 at 8:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never ever heard any negative feedback about Skin MD. It's supposed to be great and would love to try some samples. Thanks for the tips. Glad to connect with you on voiceBoks.

At July 11, 2011 at 8:28 AM , Blogger Sarah @ Made in USA Challenge said...

I've been hearing a ton about them also. Love that it's made in the US in a solar powered facility!


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